Walk on Easy Street offers different ways to learn or practice Contemporary Alexander Technique.

Private Sessions

These classes are one-on-one with Anita Mischuk—perfect for individuals. Private sessions are available online or in person.

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Group Classes and Workshops

Groups of 10 - 15 individuals come together once a week for a period of 4 - 6 weeks to study the work as it relates to different activities.

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Personal and Professional Enrichment Programs (Pep)

The PEP is designed for anyone desiring to acquire a deeper, embodied knowledge of Alexander Principles without committing to a Teacher Training Course. Programs are taught in conjunction with the Contemporary Alexander School.

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After many years of hearing it referenced, I finally took an Alexander Technique workshop a couple weekends ago. If you have chronic pain or discomfort (or wish to prevent such from developing) from work routines, hobby, craft, whatever, I hiiiighly recommend seeing if you have a local practitioner. I have benefited from many modalities of bodywork and physical therapy, but the Alexander Technique really nails it with posture/body composure and how we use our body in everyday life. It is also way more than that, kind of beautifully mind-blowing. Iowa City friends, we are bizarrely lucky to have a top-level practitioner here, the only one in Iowa certified in Contemporary Alexander Technique. Her name is Anita Mischuk (www.atmw.us)... I am shamelessly promoting her and the Alexander Technique in general.
Hillary Schofield : LMT, Iowa City